Shorebirding @ Pt. Mouillee SGA - 01 Jul 2024


Shorebird numbers are picking up in the Walpatich Unit at Pt. Mouillee SGA in Monroe Co., MI USA. Images captured using the Swarovski STX85, 25-60X eyepiece, Sony a1 + Sony 40mm f/2.5, Digidapter™DLM.

A pair of Sandhill Cranes.

Black-necked Stilt!

Short-billed Dowitchers.

Swamp Sparrow.

Lesser Yellowlegs.

Cell 3 of the Banana Unit held a number of good birds, as well. More Short-billed Dowitchers and 1 Stilt Sandpiper.

Black Terns.

Forster's Terns.

Caspian Terns and a few Common Terns.

American White Pelicans.


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