Seriously Sharp! No Foolin' - 01 Apr 2017

With clearing skies I have the opportunity to test the new Swarovski STX 25-60x85 Spotting Scope and Digidapter™. This morning, I mounted the scope on my Jobu Jr. Gimbal Head - this would allow me to use the camera to pan/follow moving birds.

The only issue I found with this setup was that the wimberly slide plate was not long enough balance the scope w/ the camera/Digidapter™ attached; thus the combination is a bit back-heavy. To counter this I'm setting up a bungy-cord system that will balance the scope w/ and w/o the camera attached. It will allow me to pan / swivel the scope and camera setup to photograph birds smoothly and swiftly.
Its a bit awkward to handle the scope w/o a handle, though, so I'll have to decide which system (501HDV or Jobu Jr.) is the best for me...

The Sony Alpha a6300 doesn't care, though. The images coming from this scope are amazing! Tack-sharp images with tons of feather detail. No chromatic aberration at 25X and only a trace at 60X! Images are also sharp edge-to-edge.  This scope is a winner!


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